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Drone for facade and window cleaning​


Facade and window cleaning with drone

5-10 times quicker than traditional cleaning




The estimated need for future drone cleaning services is approximately

drones internationally

Advantages of Window and facade cleaning with KTV Working Drone

Important key facts

1000-1500 sqm/hour
Capacity facade cleaning

300-500 sqm/hour
Capacity window cleaning

Height 150 meter +
When the drone is fully operational

Flytime 24 hour
With battery case with 8 batteries. Unlimited with Power Station connected.

7 m/sec
Works in maximum winds of 7 m/s. Up to 15 m/s without equipment

Up to 200 bar pressure
Capacity water pressure

AirSense ADS-B
Advanced flight / collision warning system

Self-heating battery
Provides efficient battery use

-20°C to 50°C
Working temperature range

IP 45
Protected against low pressure water jets

How did KTV Working Drone Develope?

We are family

We think of our partners as family. Everyone supports and backs each other up like a family, and in this way we grow and get better together.

The KTV Working Drone is just one of the concepts and possibilities we are working on, and for the next few years there will be new concepts with just as much potential. All in which we want to offer our partners around the world.

We believe the key to all innovations is that it is something new, really usable and makes a direct or indirect improvement for people.

Advantages using KTV Working Drone


KTV Group first started to use drones commercially in Norway for a new and more innovative way to provide a service for cleaning of windows and facades at heights.

In early 2022  KTV Working Drone was founded where it was launched first in  Norway and now internationally. With unprecedended interest from around the globe  KTV Working Drone has quickly been able to establish a footprint in over 16 countries with many more joining the franchise in months to come. 

Development of the KTV Working Drone originated way back in 2015, where many changes were needed to make the drone commercial. KTV Working Drone R&D department has developed and continues to evolve a unique drone with tailor-made and uniquely adapted mounting equipment for us with specially designed cleaning equipment.

The drone has been extensively tested and commercialised for use with window and facade cleaning and has been used operationally since 2020 by the KTV Group in Norway.

KTV Working Drone

So…Take the next step


As a Franchisee you will become part of a global network  and it’s key to success. With an up and coming marketing and technology tool KTV Working Drone will ensure our customers find us, are provided the highest level of support with quotes, scheduling and fulfillment regardless of where they are in the world.

Continued development and R&D
Our aim for our brand is at the forefront of drone technology , develop new tools, and evolve the industries we are currently servicing because future-proofing KTV Working Drone is our goal. Our marketing team is always looking at developing tools online and in the real world that will drive traffic and continue propelling and supporting our brand and services  to prospective clients throughout the globe.

Regardless if you’re a cleaning company, drone supply company, drone training school, strata company or just an entrepreneur looking at a new business venture we are seeking expressions of interest to grow our network of country franchisees. We are getting enquiries every day from all of the world wanting to get involved with this exciting innovation. Our collective experience in the cleaning industry coupled with solid understanding in engineering and technology, our systems, training  and development makes getting involved and established very easy.

We estimate the need for drone cleaning services is approximately 2,500,000 drones globally. 

Disclaimer : KTV Working Drone is NOT a drone supplier and as a consequence KTV Working Drone does not supply drones, attachments, information and any support without being part of the franchise network. 

Continued and Future development


Our aim for the KTV Working Drone brand is to be at the forefront of drone technology , to develop new tools, and evolve the industries we are currently servicing because future-proofing KTV Working Drone is our goal. Our Marketing team is always looking at developing tools online and in the real world that will drive traffic and continue propelling and supporting our brand and services to prospective clients throughout the globe.

  • Spray painting
    With continued development, extended testing and new partnerships with paint manufacturers, we are moving closer to the final testing fase.

  • Higher altitudes
    We have solved the operating height restriction with our patent pending roof safety system. There are no longer limitations on operation height, and we will continue the testing to be able to operate safely in heights and altitudes up to 150m and reach 300 meters and above.

  • Remote Control rooms
    Looking beyond 2025, KTV Working Drones is planning to create special control rooms where drone pilots can operate drones all over the world via the internet. Drone Pilots will be able to provide support, provide remote tasks, work safer and be able to provide specialist service to anywhere there is service.

    Remote control rooms would be a great advantage in areas with a lot of noise, high/low temperatures, and other ‘problem’ areas.

Licence and approval for operation

Civil and Aviation Regulatory authorities have strict rules in many regions around the world but are essential for working drones like the drone KTV Working Drone has developed. After many years of field testing, the drafting and implementation of the safety and operational procedures together with a state of the art CRM business system (BlueTag) KTV Working Drone is providing all the operational and procedural manuals that allow us to comply with all relevant authorities in each of the countries KTV Working Drone is establishing. 

KTV Working Drone is registered with operating license for flying close to buildings and structures and doing this type of work. This license is extended to all countries and is assigned to the country partner upon execution of our exclusive country partnership agreement which is essential to the successful operation in the given country.

The KTV Working Drone team will work with the relevant civil aviation authority in each country to assure the approval of the license in the given country, is part of our country partnership agreement. In Norway where the KTV Working Drone was first established and commercialised, it has gained great interest and has already been implemented by various government departments who subsequently engaged KTV Working Drone to provide services to state-owned buildings including the prime minister building in Norway and the Norwegian Government Quarter.

Another important thing we have developed is  securing the drone from the roof. The method  ensures that the drone is secured from the roof. with a roof anchoring system that ensures that the drone does not pose a safety risk to individuals or other traffic in or around the work area.

The roof anchoring method is patent-pending, and its use will be crucial for operations in densely populated areas worldwide.



BlueTag is a state of the art business system incorporating all aspects managing the business operations, safety procedures and risk analysis that are required by all civil aviation authorities and forms part of the procedures in the operation manuals that all drone pilots must adhere to. This is a mandatory requirement to conduct this type of drone operation under our specified license to operate.

Only approved and accredited partners through our partnership model will be able to provide this service and be given access to all the tools required to operate.. KTV Group developed the Blue Tag system over the past 15 years and proven reliability with 99.9% uptime and forms part of the inclusions of the partnership model.

The Bluetag system has been further developed to scale operation worldwide and has been tailored for this type of business and drone operations, With our own in-house development team and project managers our continued support and development is guaranteed to assure continued operations and improvements. The Bluetag System is unique in the sense it was developed as a tool to address shortcomings in service business’s that need to have better control of individual jobs , costs, scheduling and accounting. The Bluetag system complies with the standards of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Want to Take the next step Now?

Get Involved and become a KTV working Drone Partner/

We are seeking interest for country partners and franchise operators in existing countries. With new enquiries coming in every day, we are keen to be able to provide the services required.

Once a commercial agreement has been executed we provide the following :

  • The drone and all the fitting required to operate the drone for cleaning at heights
  • The required equipment list necessary to operate
  • Assistance and application directly to the countries Civil aviation authority for licencing (country partner ONLY)
  • Licensing for up to X users in the Bluetag system
  • Ongoing support for technical, projects, sales, operating permits
  • Pilot course and certifications for operations as a KTV Working Drone operator using the various methods
  • Full UAV operators manual 

The Costs

If you’d like to find out more and get involved regardless if you are looking to be a country partner, drone operator or would like to explore opportunities how this can work for you, read further down and click the link/button on the bottom of the page.

Our partnership and exclusive master license/franchise are assigned the rights for a country where they will become engaged to develop the country for KTV Working Drone and build a network of operators within local areas and territories within the given country.

Our aim is to work with our partners to expand the use of drones. We don’t aim simply to sell drones to be used by anyone, but to continue the brand name building on the knowledge and expertise gained to date. With this approach, both the KTV brand and our business partners will continue to grow in the market as a service leader.

After a lot of research, operational challenges in the beginning and other considerations we learnt to further maintain the safety protocols required by the authorities. We decided this needs to be introduced as a whole business model not just selling drones and equipment. 

We have established a solid foundation in the industry to become the market leader. Through years of testing and development we have gained an understanding of the requirements of the sector to allow us to fully support our business partners growth.